
February 22, 2017

When our ISA group went to Sevilla a few weekends ago we also went to Cordoba! Sevilla and Cordoba are often visited together because they are relatively close together and both very important historically. We had yet another walking tour and also some free time to explore the city on our own. Cordoba is relatively small and also really beautiful. Our tour took us through the Jewish Quarter and to a very old Synagogue. Then we went to the Calle de las Flores which is famous for its incredible view of the tower of the Mezquita. Our tour finished with the Mezquita which used to be a mosque then after the "reconquista" (reconquest) of Spain, by the Christians, it was converted into a Church. This is one of the buildings that is most famous for its mix of both Muslim and Christian architecture and is such a good representation of the very multi-cultural history of Spain. The Mezquita is famous for its candy-cane like arches, but the main part of the modern Cathedral is one of my favorites I've ever been to because it is so beautiful. 

The Synagogue. You can see a cross if you look closely from when it was converted into a church. 

Calle de las Flores 

The Mezquita

Different builders made each of the columns and they each signed them like this! 

We tried this little restaurant famous for their "Tortilla EspaƱola" 
We explored the city a little bit and found this really cool leather shop. 

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