Sophomore Year: Thats a Wrap

June 15, 2016

What an incredible semester! Unfortunately it was very busy, and I really didn't end up having a lot of time for blogging. I ended up doing a lot of homework this semester but I did have some time for some fun stuff too! Throughout the summer I hope to get back on track with my blogging, especially because I will be studying abroad in London for three weeks in July and I would love to share my adventures with y'all! Here are a few of the highlights of my semester! 

I traveled to Chicago with my best friend! 

We also visited her home in Little Rock, Arkansas. 
We had pit tickets to the Jason Aldean concert.
My roommate and I threw a fun "GALantine's Day" party

DG Chapter Retreat 
I had the privilege of acting in my first production at Ole Miss as "Steph" in Ghostlight Repertory Theatre's production of "Reasons to Be Pretty" 

Milk and Cookies DG's annual philanthropy event
Blake Shelton Concert
Delta Gamma Spring Formal 

We got to go to Nashville for Chi Psi's Spring Formal
Chi Psi's Spring Formal
Double Decker Arts Festival which is one of the most fun parts of spring in Oxford! 

Need to Breathe Concert
Our final "Family Breakfast" at Bottletree Bakery 
Florida Georgia Line Concert 
Pit tickets to the Luke Bryan Concert (it ended up getting cancelled due to rain just after Luke Bryan began performing)

I had the best year with the best roommates I could have asked for! Isabelle will be at Belmont University next year but we all had the best year!